We arrived to Tallinn at 10 am and we had pool position on the ferry car deck. Clear blue sky and 22 degrees above zero! We left Tallinn behind us and headed towards Haapsalu in the western part. We did short stops now and then for birding. Most of the day we spent birding softly through the large Silma Nature Reserve and ended the day at the north-western tip Pöösaspea. We meet birders here and there, mainly Finnish, but a few Swedish ones too. At the birding site Sutlepa Melä we meet Sampsa Cairenius, which we have been in contact with prior to our arrival. Sightings worthy of mention: White-tailed Eagle (at least 7), Montagu's Harrier (2-3), Red-necked Grebe (5-6 pairs), White Stork (17 in one flock + several on nest), Black Grouse (3), Little Gull (20), Great Reed Warbler (4), Rosefinch (2) and finally one Arctic Skua and thousands of migrating Long-tailed Ducks in the evening at Pöösaspea.
Time for bed and the alarm is set on 02:45. Stay tuned for forthcoming updates!
Niklas, Janne & Ante
The good birdwatching tower at Haapsalu. From here we saw five White-tailed Eagles! This nice looking bar were unfortunately closed, but... ...Ante found another place in Haapsula that served A. Le Coq Grande (and overflowing Little Gulls:) The north-western tip Pöösaspea. Three cool birders at Pöösaspea in the evening.
Janne and Ante in our nice accommodatin at Bergsbyn. Rather exhausted after a day of birding or what?