As the beginning of our Estonian trip started bad with unfavourable winds and fog at Pöösaspea our expectations were high for the last morning. Clear blue sky and moderate winds from southwest and most important, no fog, we had every chance of succeeding. The opening of the morning were rather mediocre, but after an hour flocks of divers and scoters increased. Most flocks of divers passed overhead or a few hundred metres off shore on moderate altitudes. Most enjoyable, but they passed quickly, meaning they were difficult to count and identify properly. We certainly lose some flocks, but what the heck! We were happy for a good morning at Pöösaspea and we were able to compare the site with the other two top sites, Ristna and Virtsu. All three differ concerning the mix and numbers of species as well as topography, angles, light conditions and flight altitudes. All three localities offer a fabulous spectacle of migrating waterfowl/seabirds, which is known as Arktikan. However, the three of us wants to go back to Ristna for a longer period, perhaps next spring.
It was interesting to see the distribution between Arctic and Red-throated Diver. At Virtsu yesterday it was 70% to 30% between the two and today at Pöösaspea the distribution were the opposite.
We took farewell of Arne, the owner of Bergsby Paansionat, and his pretty dog Pecko, who like to have a pee on the tyres of Janne’s car. Then we headed towards Tallinn with a few stops within the Silma Nature Reserve. The boat put out at 18:00. Goodbye Estonia!
Some results from the counting at Pöösaspea (05:00-10:00): Arctic Diver (388), Red-throated Diver (1214), Barnacle Geese (1159), Common Scoter (4310), Velvet Scoter (61), Long-tailed Duck (400) and Greater Scaup (42).
We hope you have enjoyed this travel diary. The trip report will be available here within a couple of weeks and we wish to thank Annika Forsten, Sampsa Cairenius and Antero Topp for vaulable information and sightings provided during our stay! In total we recorded 173 bird species.
Niklas, Janne & Ante

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