We drove a few kilometres to Undva nina, the northwestern tip of Tagamöisa peninsula. And of course our follower Mr Fog were there. Clear blue sky above and 14 degrees, but a light fog covering the sea. The weather conditions, heat-wave and winds from an easterly directon is bad for the birdwatching in the long run. However, we see this trip as reconnaissance one for future trips to Estonia, but of course we are a bit disappointed.
We explored several birding sites as well as places with interesting habitat. In the afternoon the temperature reached 26 degrees. Too much when birding, but several stops for ice cream were good alternatives. We went back to Loode at 18:00 and after a refreshing shower we were served a delicious dinner of fish and a tasty desert with coffee.
Sightings worthy of mention: Greenish Warbler (2), Icterine Warbler (8 singing within a little area at Loode Oak Wood Reserve), Collared Flycatcher (1 male), Sandwich Tern (1 at Mulluta Reserve), Rosenfinch (30-40) and of course Chiffchaffs and Cuckoos almost everywhere on every stop.
We pray to the Gods of weather that there will be no fog at Undva nina tomorrow morning!
Niklas, Janne & Ante

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