At 9 am we left Virtsu and headed to a large swamp named Tuhu Matkarada. Not much birds there, but it was so silent and enjoyable just being there. A Black Stork passed by slowly gliding against a deep blue backdrop. An unexpected sighting indeed. We continued northward and visited a few places within the Matsula area. Nothing unusual recorded, besides a singing Greenish Warbler and a male Montagu’s Harrier.
At 4 pm we reached Bergsby Paansionat and we installed ourselves and had a power nap for an hour or so. We skipped Pöösaspea in the evening and had a nice time together discussing the trip and memories from the past. Ante and Janne siping A Le Coq and whisky.
Some results from the counting at Virtsu (05:00-09:00): Arctic Diver (1410), Red-throated Diver (558), Gavia sp (254), Barnacle Geese (2665), Common Scoter (4930), Velvet Scoter (33), Long-tailed Duck (270), Greater Scaup (54) and Arctic Skua (2).
Additional sightings worthy of mention: Golden Oriole (1), Serin (1), Great Reed Warbler (5), Grasshopper Warbler (1), Parrot Crossbill (1), Smew (1), White Stork (many) and Little Gull (4).
All the best
Niklas, Janne & Ante

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